Find a Meal

Are you looking for a meal provider in your area? Use your zip code to Find a Meal near you:

  1. Choose to search for Congregate Meals (meals that can be picked up at a central location near you) or Home Delivered Meals (meals that come right to your front door).
  2. Enter your zip code.
  3. Press "enter" on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass to see your search results.

Meals on Wheels Texas is not a direct service provider or a referral service. The information used in this "Find a Meal" feature is based on the information voluntarily given to us by local providers.

Note: If no program shows up in your search, we advise searching nearby zip codes, or calling your local 211 to get connected to meals in your area.

Search for Delivered Meals
Search for Congregate Meals

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Counties Served


Phone Number

MOW Texas Member

The Center
(830) 249-2114